Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Public School

As u know...I'm a teacher...I teach in public school.. I've been to public high school only from Form 1 to Form 3..I don't have memory about my former high school that time.. But the school I teach now..Its about the same

This is our Teachers Room looks like

And if a student have broken the school law,always skipping classes...This is the punishment for them:

They wiped the floor using a paper..the area was along the aisle in the Teachers' Room...This student being punish for being rude to a teacher. After 10 minutes wiping, she's allow to go back to the class..

On different occasion, this is a typical condition of Malaysian Public School. As seen in mine. (Missing several glass window and dented door)

OK..I have a lot of pictures but alas, I don't want to embarrass my school..;)

I teach Science for junior high. Long story short, I marked the exam paper for my students... Some of them leave the answer blank, some also write different answer as long as it rhymes the same..

For example:
Paramecium and Trapezium
Haha...They made my day..!!

That's all from me..

P/S: Love being a teacher.Pray for them everyday..

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